Bagi agan2 yang suka sama tower defense, nih map yang lagi terkenal di bnet-binet hehe.
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Kuliah Itu Santai
Didedikasikan bagi anak-anak kuliah yang menganggap kuliah itu beban hidup.
Senin, 02 April 2012
Dota v6.74c AI 1.3 Download
Akhrinya map yang ditunggu-tunggu keluar juga. Bagi yang udah lama gak main dota, n mau belajar hero-hero baru, inilah map yang cocok. Ok, tanpa basa basi lagi, enjoy the new map!
Download disini :
Dota v6.74c AI 1.3
Bagi broken link dll. Mohon kabari ya. :)
Download disini :
Dota v6.74c AI 1.3
Bagi broken link dll. Mohon kabari ya. :)
Castle Fight v1.14 Download
Download Here :
Caslte Fight v1.14 Download
This patch fixes the map for v1.24 and introduces a new intersting game mode “Tech Mode” where you have to tech before you can buy higher tier buildings. This could get an often played gamemode, it is kind of interesting. However, note that AI fails in this gamemode since it doesn’t tech.
Caslte Fight v1.14 Download
This patch fixes the map for v1.24 and introduces a new intersting game mode “Tech Mode” where you have to tech before you can buy higher tier buildings. This could get an often played gamemode, it is kind of interesting. However, note that AI fails in this gamemode since it doesn’t tech.
-The game now works with v1.24
-Balance is now enabled by default
-New gamemode: Income Timer (-itXXX): You can set the income timer to an amount between 2 and 120 seconds (standard is 10). Note that altering the income timer will seriously shift the balance between unit bounty and income.
-Reworked chilling mushroom. It is now a direct damage + stun spell against air only. It’s more expensive now, but should be a good option for northern spending its wood
-The map now uses one hashing spell handler instead of one for each spell type. This should speed up the map in lategame.
-New gamemode: Tech Mode (-te): Buildings are divided into tier0,1,2,3. You need to buy a tech in your worker build buildings of higher techs.
-The ugly forest in the middle was replaced by a more beautiful one.
-Map uses a more sophisticated protection now. Will avoid some fakes hopefully
-The game now works with v1.24
-Balance is now enabled by default
-New gamemode: Income Timer (-itXXX): You can set the income timer to an amount between 2 and 120 seconds (standard is 10). Note that altering the income timer will seriously shift the balance between unit bounty and income.
-Reworked chilling mushroom. It is now a direct damage + stun spell against air only. It’s more expensive now, but should be a good option for northern spending its wood
-The map now uses one hashing spell handler instead of one for each spell type. This should speed up the map in lategame.
-New gamemode: Tech Mode (-te): Buildings are divided into tier0,1,2,3. You need to buy a tech in your worker build buildings of higher techs.
-The ugly forest in the middle was replaced by a more beautiful one.
-Map uses a more sophisticated protection now. Will avoid some fakes hopefully
-Fill will now fill only 5 players instead of six
-mp mode is no longer able to give 6 players which leaded to bugs
-Hydra is immune and has spell reduction like other legendaries now
-Silver Glade should no longer target buildings hit by a frost launcher
-Fixed the “Not enough food” message
-Infernal’s immolation is now able to now hit mechanical units
-Corrupted builder now has the same sight range like all other builders
-Starfall will now make the area visible in FoW making it do damage to enemies
-Lightning orb is no longer undroppable when in cooldown
-Incubus should no longer be able to overtake legendary units
-Observers should no longer give gold to other players when leaving the game
-Fixed that not every unit was trained with hotkey ‘Q’ leading to some collisions with building upgrades
-Legendary buildings have the legend text now displayed in their tooltip again
-Rewrote the unit storage and random picking system which should fix some errors like erasor not erasing all enemies
-Fill will now fill only 5 players instead of six
-mp mode is no longer able to give 6 players which leaded to bugs
-Hydra is immune and has spell reduction like other legendaries now
-Silver Glade should no longer target buildings hit by a frost launcher
-Fixed the “Not enough food” message
-Infernal’s immolation is now able to now hit mechanical units
-Corrupted builder now has the same sight range like all other builders
-Starfall will now make the area visible in FoW making it do damage to enemies
-Lightning orb is no longer undroppable when in cooldown
-Incubus should no longer be able to overtake legendary units
-Observers should no longer give gold to other players when leaving the game
-Fixed that not every unit was trained with hotkey ‘Q’ leading to some collisions with building upgrades
-Legendary buildings have the legend text now displayed in their tooltip again
-Rewrote the unit storage and random picking system which should fix some errors like erasor not erasing all enemies
-Increased splashdamage and range on ancient hydra and its splash now also targets air units
-Anti Air tower’s air attack was buffed
-Human tower buffed
-Red Dragon’s splash damage was reduced from 66%,33% to 50%, 25%
-Reduced starting mana of nether and shadow drake by 25
-Increased range of Marksman and made it a bit slower, increased damageagainst air
-Increased Rocket Tank’s rocket damage by 10
-Decreased Volcano’s damage to buildings by 33% (the damage reduction to buildings is now stated in its tooltip)
-Buffed Veteran Grunt’s and Axemaster’s HP slightly
-Increased OoW’s spell damage reduction by 5%
-Reduced Frost Launcher’s lumber cost by 75 but increased Greater Frost Launcher’s lumbercost by the same amount
-Reduced Banshee’s hitpoints by 10
-Domination income gain was reduced to 15%. Maybe it is playable now. There could be better fixes, but I didn’t have time to think of something better.
-Reduced legendary spell reduction by 5%
-Trippled the lifetime of repair goblins
-Legendary unit buildings now need (accumulated price / 2) lumber
-Fixed the button positions of some buildings
-Increased Blast Staff’s lumbercost by 100 to make it compareable to towers
-Increased splashdamage and range on ancient hydra and its splash now also targets air units
-Anti Air tower’s air attack was buffed
-Human tower buffed
-Red Dragon’s splash damage was reduced from 66%,33% to 50%, 25%
-Reduced starting mana of nether and shadow drake by 25
-Increased range of Marksman and made it a bit slower, increased damageagainst air
-Increased Rocket Tank’s rocket damage by 10
-Decreased Volcano’s damage to buildings by 33% (the damage reduction to buildings is now stated in its tooltip)
-Buffed Veteran Grunt’s and Axemaster’s HP slightly
-Increased OoW’s spell damage reduction by 5%
-Reduced Frost Launcher’s lumber cost by 75 but increased Greater Frost Launcher’s lumbercost by the same amount
-Reduced Banshee’s hitpoints by 10
-Domination income gain was reduced to 15%. Maybe it is playable now. There could be better fixes, but I didn’t have time to think of something better.
-Reduced legendary spell reduction by 5%
-Trippled the lifetime of repair goblins
-Legendary unit buildings now need (accumulated price / 2) lumber
-Fixed the button positions of some buildings
-Increased Blast Staff’s lumbercost by 100 to make it compareable to towers
Minggu, 01 April 2012
Map Dota 6.74c (6vs6)
Map ini khusus di desain untuk 6 lawan 6, berbeda dari biasanya yang hanya 5 vs 5.
Silahkan download :
Dota Version Switcher
Pengen nonton replay dota player luar negeri? Tapi kesulitan karena beda versi?
Memang di Indonesia, rata-rata versi warcraft yang di pakai adalah 1.24b (bahkan sampai Maret 2012 ini).
Kadang kita kesulitan ketika ingin mengganti versi yang lebih tinggi, sedangkan setelah di upgrade versinya, kita tidak mungkin bisa lagi mengganti ke versi yang lebih rendah.
Untuk itu pakailah Dota Version Switcher ini :
Dota Version Switcher
Untuk patch2nya kami juga menyediakan :
Versi 1.24
Versi 1.24b
Versi 1.24c
Versi 1.24d
Versi 1.24e
Versi 1.25b
Versi 1.26
Setelah anda download, tidak perlu di extract, anda hanya perlu membukanya dengan Dota Version Switcher diatas tadi. Ingat! Jangan di extract jika ingin mengganti versi!
Memang di Indonesia, rata-rata versi warcraft yang di pakai adalah 1.24b (bahkan sampai Maret 2012 ini).
Kadang kita kesulitan ketika ingin mengganti versi yang lebih tinggi, sedangkan setelah di upgrade versinya, kita tidak mungkin bisa lagi mengganti ke versi yang lebih rendah.
Untuk itu pakailah Dota Version Switcher ini :
Dota Version Switcher
Untuk patch2nya kami juga menyediakan :
Versi 1.24
Versi 1.24b
Versi 1.24c
Versi 1.24d
Versi 1.24e
Versi 1.25b
Versi 1.26
Setelah anda download, tidak perlu di extract, anda hanya perlu membukanya dengan Dota Version Switcher diatas tadi. Ingat! Jangan di extract jika ingin mengganti versi!
Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012
Map Dota 6.74c
Mari download mapnya disini : 6.74c
Di map baru ini hanya ada 1 perubahan kecil saja. Perubahan terletak pada hero Batrider :
* Fixed Flamebreak not functioning properly with creeps
Bone Fletcher
- Death Pact damage bonus increased from 4/6/8% to 5/6.5/8%
- Death Pact hp bonus increased from 50/60/70% to 50/65/80%
- Quill Spray damage cap increased from 180 to 220
Centaur Warchief
- Great Fortitude strength bonus increased from 12/24/36 to 15/30/45
- Return base damage increased from 16 to 16/18/20/22
- Power Cogs HP/Mana drain increased from 55/70/85/100 to 60/90/120/150
Crystal Maiden
- Freezing Field AoE increased by 100 (Explosion AoE adjusted to keep damage probabilities equivalate)
Dark Seer
- Wall of Replica illusions take 300% damage (up from 250%)
- Wall of Replica Aghanim bonus no longer creates allied illusions
- Wall of Replica Aghanim bonus now increases illusion damage from 70/80/90 to 100/120/140% instead
Doom Bringer
- Level Death bonus damage increased from 250 to 275
- Base Intelligence increased by 3
- Arcane Bolt bonus intelligence damage increased from 1.5x to 1.6x
- Arcane Bolt manacost decreased from 90 to 70
- Concussive Shot cooldown now scales from 20 to 20/19/18/17
Drow Ranger
- Silence AoE increased from 275 to 300
Ember Spirit
- Armor reduced by 1
- Base Strength decreased from 21 to 19
- Flame Guard health barrier reduced from 100/250/400/550 to 50/200/350/500
- Fire Remnant damage decreased from 140/180/220 to 120/160/200
- Searing Chains targets decreased from 3 to 2 random units
- Black hole now prevents heroes being Forced out with Force Staff
- Wrath of Nature manacost increased from 150/175/200 to 150/200/250
- Teleportation manacost no longer decreases per level (constant 50)
Goblin Shredder
- Timber Chain damage increased from 80/120/160/200 to 100/140/180/220
- Homing Missile maximum damage (at 2k range) increased from 100/200/300/400 to 110/220/330/440
- Rocket Barrage damage increased from 10/13/16/19 to 11/14/17/20
- Chaos Meteor damage increased from 80+Exort*30 to 80+Exort*35
- Chaos Meteor land time decreased from 1.5 to 1.3
- EMP can no longer hit Invulnerable/Tornadoed units
- EMP cooldown increased from 25 to 30 seconds
- Sun Strike damage type changed from Magical to Pure
- Sun Strike now reveals the area it will hit before the damage impact
- Tornado cooldown increased from 25 to 30 seconds
- Tornado Damage decreased from 77.5+(Wex+Quas)*23 to 70+(Wex+Quas)*20
- Omnislash now gives Juggernaut 200 flying vision during its duration
Keeper of the Light
- Mana Leak stun duration increased from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 to 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2
- Torrent AOE increased from 200 to 215
- X Marks The Spot cooldown decreased from 20 to 16 seconds
- Ghost Ship stun duration increased from 1.2 to 1.4
- Psi Blades bonus range increased from 40/100/160/220 to 60/120/180/240
Legion Commander
- Moment of Courage cooldown increased from 0.9 to 1.2
Lina Inverse
- Fiery Soul attack speed bonus increased from 30/40/50/60 to 40/50/60/70
- Fiery Soul movement speed bonus increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7%
- Voodoo cooldown increased from 13 to 15
- Voodoo manacost increased from 110/140/170/200 to 125/150/175/200
- Voodoo duration increased from 1.25/2/2.75/3.5 to 1.75/2.5/3.25/4
- Moon Glaive damage decrease per bounce decreased from 35% to 30%
- Skewer will now cast in the direction you targeted if you cast it beyond the max range
- Split Shot now shoots 5 arrows instead of 4
- Morph passively grants 3/4/5/6 agility and strength
- Wave Form now properly dodges projectiles
Naga Siren
- Changed Rip Tide cast mechanism
Nerubian Assassin
- Urna Swarm replaced with a new spell
- Heartstopper damage increased from 0.5/0.7/0.9/1.1 to 0.6/0.8/1/1.2
- Sadist level 4 mana regen increased from 48 to 60
Ogre Magi
- Added Aghanim's Scepter
Phantom Assassin
- Phantom Strike cast range increased from 700/800/900/1000 to 1000
- Phantom Strike cooldown rescaled from 20/15/10/5 to 14/11/8/5
Priestess of the Moon
- Moonlight Shadow cooldown decreased from 180/160/140 to 160/140/120
- Ethereal Jaunt now dodges projectiles
- Phase Shift autocast removed
- Phase Shift manacost removed
- Phase Shift level 4 duration increased from 3 to 3.25 seconds
- Aghanim Upgraded Dream Coil no longer increases the manacost from the base spell
- Decrepify cast range increased from 550/600/650/700 to 700
- Life Drain damage increased from 100/150/200 to 120/160/200 (with Aghanim's from 175/225/275 to 180/240/300)
Queen of Pain
- Shadow Strike initial damage increased from 50/70/70/100 to 50/75/100/125
- Unstable Current damage increased from 40/60/80/100 to 40/70/100/130
Shadow Fiend
- Necromastery now gives 6 souls for killing a hero (instead of 1)
- Necromastery soul count increased from 8/16/24/32 to 12/20/28/36
- Headshot damage increased from 30/30/40/50 to 30/40/50/60
Storm Spirit
- Ball Lightning now properly dodges projectiles
- Attack range increased from 650 to 700
- March of the Machines duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds
Troll Warlord
- Battle Trance attack speed bonus increased from 60/100/140 to 60/120/180
- Poison Attack damage increased from 6/12/18/24 to 10/16/22/28
- Fixed Poison Attack damage not being lethal
- Familiar's armor increased from 0 to 0/1/2
- Gravekeeper's Cloak recovery time decreased from 14/12/10/8 to 12/10/8/6
- Infernal's Permanent Immolation damage increased from 20/30/40 to 30/40/50 per second
- Shadow Word duration increased from 8 to 9 seconds

Animal Courier
- Courier cost decreased from 170 to 150
- HP regen increased by 1 to equal the sum of its parts
Ethereal Blade
- Ether Blast slow increased from 60% to 80%
Eye of Skadi
- Cold Attack slow duration increased from 2/4 (range/melee) to 3/5
Flying Courier
- Flying Courier cost increased from 200 to 220
- Mjollnir's Static Shock can now be cast on non-hero units as well (like Infernals)
Tranquil Boots
- Can now be disassembled
- Damage instances before breaking increased from 3 to 4
- Rejuvenate heal increased from 150 to 170
Sange & Yasha
- Sange and Yasha can now be disassembled
Veil of Discord
- Discord duration increased from 15 to 20 seconds
- Added Wisp, Disruptor and Rubick to CM
- Courier death team bounty can only trigger while no couriers are dead
- Courier death team bounty from 150 to 175
- Added a new ability on the courier to go to the secret shop
- Removed Unexplored Fog of War
- Cheese no longer requires 5 mana to use
- Range creeps mana pool increased from 300 to 500
- Harpy's Chain Lightning cooldown from 6 to 4 seconds
- Satyr Trickster purge manacost decreased from 150 to 120
- Satyr Hellcaller HP regen aura increased from 3 to 4
* Fixed a bug with Fire Remnant targeting and Essence Aura
* Fixed Moment of Courage not having a learn hotkey
* Fixed a fatal error possible with Tether
* Fixed a bug with Fire Remnant when cast on self
* Fixed Psi Blades not affecting a very small area right behind the initial target
* Fixed Forged Spirits dying instantly when affected by Smoke of Deceit
Note: This version will be marked as the new stable version after a week or so.
Di map baru ini hanya ada 1 perubahan kecil saja. Perubahan terletak pada hero Batrider :
* Fixed Flamebreak not functioning properly with creeps
Sedangkan di versi 6.74b sebelumnya lumayan banyak perubahan yang dilakukan. Antara lain :
* Fixed a rare bug that could cause Panda Brewmaster to not respawn after death
* Fixed Ogre Magi keeping the Aghanims bonus after selling it
* Fixed Aghanim's secondary Fireblast from being unable to target flying units
* Fixed Flamebreak not interrupting channeling
* Fixed Flamebreak affecting Magic Immune units
* Fixed Fog of War in -sp mode
* Fixed a rare chance for EMP to cause a suicide
* Fixed Ogre Magi keeping the Aghanims bonus after selling it
* Fixed Aghanim's secondary Fireblast from being unable to target flying units
* Fixed Flamebreak not interrupting channeling
* Fixed Flamebreak affecting Magic Immune units
* Fixed Fog of War in -sp mode
* Fixed a rare chance for EMP to cause a suicide
Nah versi induknya lebih banyak perubahan lagi. Nih :
- Armor increased by 1
- Unstable Concoction max damage increased from 120/180/240/300 to 130/200/270/340
- Flame Break is now a targeted AoE spell
- Armor increased by 1
- Unstable Concoction max damage increased from 120/180/240/300 to 130/200/270/340
- Flame Break is now a targeted AoE spell
- Death Pact damage bonus increased from 4/6/8% to 5/6.5/8%
- Death Pact hp bonus increased from 50/60/70% to 50/65/80%
- Quill Spray damage cap increased from 180 to 220
- Great Fortitude strength bonus increased from 12/24/36 to 15/30/45
- Return base damage increased from 16 to 16/18/20/22
- Power Cogs HP/Mana drain increased from 55/70/85/100 to 60/90/120/150
- Freezing Field AoE increased by 100 (Explosion AoE adjusted to keep damage probabilities equivalate)
- Wall of Replica illusions take 300% damage (up from 250%)
- Wall of Replica Aghanim bonus no longer creates allied illusions
- Wall of Replica Aghanim bonus now increases illusion damage from 70/80/90 to 100/120/140% instead
- Level Death bonus damage increased from 250 to 275
- Base Intelligence increased by 3
- Arcane Bolt bonus intelligence damage increased from 1.5x to 1.6x
- Arcane Bolt manacost decreased from 90 to 70
- Concussive Shot cooldown now scales from 20 to 20/19/18/17
- Silence AoE increased from 275 to 300
- Armor reduced by 1
- Base Strength decreased from 21 to 19
- Flame Guard health barrier reduced from 100/250/400/550 to 50/200/350/500
- Fire Remnant damage decreased from 140/180/220 to 120/160/200
- Searing Chains targets decreased from 3 to 2 random units
- Black hole now prevents heroes being Forced out with Force Staff
- Wrath of Nature manacost increased from 150/175/200 to 150/200/250
- Teleportation manacost no longer decreases per level (constant 50)
- Timber Chain damage increased from 80/120/160/200 to 100/140/180/220
- Homing Missile maximum damage (at 2k range) increased from 100/200/300/400 to 110/220/330/440
- Rocket Barrage damage increased from 10/13/16/19 to 11/14/17/20
- Chaos Meteor damage increased from 80+Exort*30 to 80+Exort*35
- Chaos Meteor land time decreased from 1.5 to 1.3
- EMP can no longer hit Invulnerable/Tornadoed units
- EMP cooldown increased from 25 to 30 seconds
- Sun Strike damage type changed from Magical to Pure
- Sun Strike now reveals the area it will hit before the damage impact
- Tornado cooldown increased from 25 to 30 seconds
- Tornado Damage decreased from 77.5+(Wex+Quas)*23 to 70+(Wex+Quas)*20
- Omnislash now gives Juggernaut 200 flying vision during its duration
- Mana Leak stun duration increased from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 to 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2
- Torrent AOE increased from 200 to 215
- X Marks The Spot cooldown decreased from 20 to 16 seconds
- Ghost Ship stun duration increased from 1.2 to 1.4
- Psi Blades bonus range increased from 40/100/160/220 to 60/120/180/240
- Moment of Courage cooldown increased from 0.9 to 1.2
- Fiery Soul attack speed bonus increased from 30/40/50/60 to 40/50/60/70
- Fiery Soul movement speed bonus increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7%
- Voodoo cooldown increased from 13 to 15
- Voodoo manacost increased from 110/140/170/200 to 125/150/175/200
- Voodoo duration increased from 1.25/2/2.75/3.5 to 1.75/2.5/3.25/4
- Moon Glaive damage decrease per bounce decreased from 35% to 30%
- Skewer will now cast in the direction you targeted if you cast it beyond the max range
- Split Shot now shoots 5 arrows instead of 4
- Morph passively grants 3/4/5/6 agility and strength
- Wave Form now properly dodges projectiles
- Changed Rip Tide cast mechanism
- Urna Swarm replaced with a new spell
- Heartstopper damage increased from 0.5/0.7/0.9/1.1 to 0.6/0.8/1/1.2
- Sadist level 4 mana regen increased from 48 to 60
- Added Aghanim's Scepter
- Phantom Strike cast range increased from 700/800/900/1000 to 1000
- Phantom Strike cooldown rescaled from 20/15/10/5 to 14/11/8/5
- Moonlight Shadow cooldown decreased from 180/160/140 to 160/140/120
- Ethereal Jaunt now dodges projectiles
- Phase Shift autocast removed
- Phase Shift manacost removed
- Phase Shift level 4 duration increased from 3 to 3.25 seconds
- Aghanim Upgraded Dream Coil no longer increases the manacost from the base spell
- Decrepify cast range increased from 550/600/650/700 to 700
- Life Drain damage increased from 100/150/200 to 120/160/200 (with Aghanim's from 175/225/275 to 180/240/300)
- Shadow Strike initial damage increased from 50/70/70/100 to 50/75/100/125
- Unstable Current damage increased from 40/60/80/100 to 40/70/100/130
- Necromastery now gives 6 souls for killing a hero (instead of 1)
- Necromastery soul count increased from 8/16/24/32 to 12/20/28/36
- Headshot damage increased from 30/30/40/50 to 30/40/50/60
- Ball Lightning now properly dodges projectiles
- Attack range increased from 650 to 700
- March of the Machines duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds
- Battle Trance attack speed bonus increased from 60/100/140 to 60/120/180
- Poison Attack damage increased from 6/12/18/24 to 10/16/22/28
- Fixed Poison Attack damage not being lethal
- Familiar's armor increased from 0 to 0/1/2
- Gravekeeper's Cloak recovery time decreased from 14/12/10/8 to 12/10/8/6
- Infernal's Permanent Immolation damage increased from 20/30/40 to 30/40/50 per second
- Shadow Word duration increased from 8 to 9 seconds
- Courier cost decreased from 170 to 150
- HP regen increased by 1 to equal the sum of its parts
- Ether Blast slow increased from 60% to 80%
- Cold Attack slow duration increased from 2/4 (range/melee) to 3/5
- Flying Courier cost increased from 200 to 220
- Mjollnir's Static Shock can now be cast on non-hero units as well (like Infernals)
- Can now be disassembled
- Damage instances before breaking increased from 3 to 4
- Rejuvenate heal increased from 150 to 170
- Sange and Yasha can now be disassembled
- Discord duration increased from 15 to 20 seconds
- Courier death team bounty can only trigger while no couriers are dead
- Courier death team bounty from 150 to 175
- Added a new ability on the courier to go to the secret shop
- Removed Unexplored Fog of War
- Cheese no longer requires 5 mana to use
- Range creeps mana pool increased from 300 to 500
- Harpy's Chain Lightning cooldown from 6 to 4 seconds
- Satyr Trickster purge manacost decreased from 150 to 120
- Satyr Hellcaller HP regen aura increased from 3 to 4
* Fixed Moment of Courage not having a learn hotkey
* Fixed a fatal error possible with Tether
* Fixed a bug with Fire Remnant when cast on self
* Fixed Psi Blades not affecting a very small area right behind the initial target
* Fixed Forged Spirits dying instantly when affected by Smoke of Deceit
Note: This version will be marked as the new stable version after a week or so.
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